how houseplants helped me put down roots in new york Text by Katie BloomSharing plant cuttings with friends and loved ones creates community and reminds me of my own resilience.
PeopleThis Queer Couple Used Surrogacy to Build their FamilyText by Anya TchoupakovLooking for the perfect surrogate is almost like dating: you have to get on an app, find someone you connect with, and pray your priorities match up.
3:58RoutinesMidnight Snack With Bianca3:58In our “Midnight Snack” video series, spend four dreamy minutes watching holistic nutritionist Bianca Valle prepare her favorite energy-boosting snack.
ObjectsDoes Not Wanting to Share Bedding Mean That My Relationship Is Totally Doomed?Text by Rachel SugarIt's like sleeping alone...but together.
PlacesHow These 4 Artists Live (and Sometimes Work) TogetherText by Georgia HilmerThere’s collaboration and connection. But it’s not exactly a commune.